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Agreeance or Agreement Meaning

Agreeance or Agreement Meaning: What`s the Difference?

As a copy editor experienced in search engine optimization (SEO), I often come across queries about words that sound the same but have different meanings. One such question is whether “agreeance” and “agreement” mean the same thing. In this article, we will clarify the difference between the two terms.


Agreement is a noun that refers to a mutual understanding or a consensus reached between two or more parties. It means that two or more people or groups of people have come to a decision or united on a particular issue. Agreement can also mean harmony or compatibility between two things.

For example:

– The two parties reached an agreement on the terms of the contract.

– There was an agreement among the team members on the project`s goals.

– The colors of the room are in agreement with the overall theme of the house.


Agreeance, on the other hand, is a non-standard word that may be considered dialectical or obsolete. It is not recognized as a standard English word by most authorities, including dictionaries and style guides. However, some people use it as a synonym for agreement.

For example:

– We came to an agreeance on the best course of action.

– There was no agreeance between the two sides of the argument.

It`s worth noting that while agreeance is not considered standard English, language is constantly evolving, and new words may enter the lexicon over time. Nevertheless, it is generally recommended to use standard and recognized words to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings.


In summary, agreement and agreeance are similar in meaning, but agreement is the standard English word recognized by most authorities. Agreeance, on the other hand, is not a recognized word and may be considered non-standard or dialectical. When in doubt, it`s always best to use the standard English word to avoid any confusion or misunderstanding.