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China Singapore Free Trade Agreement

China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement: A Comprehensive Partnership

The China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement (CSFTA) is a comprehensive partnership that enhances economic ties and promotes bilateral trade between the two nations. The FTA was signed on October 23, 2008, and came into force on January 1, 2009. The agreement aims to reduce or eliminate tariffs on goods, promote investments, and enhance cooperation in various fields such as education, science, and technology.

Trade in Goods

The CSFTA promotes trade in goods by eliminating tariffs on more than 95% of the goods traded between China and Singapore. This includes products such as electronics, chemical products, and machinery. The agreement also covers rules of origin, which allows products to be exported duty-free as long as they meet certain criteria.


The agreement also promotes investment in both countries by providing a transparent and predictable framework for investors. The CSFTA protects investments from expropriation, provides fair and equitable treatment, and allows investors to transfer funds freely. This creates a conducive environment for businesses to invest and expand in both markets.


The agreement also covers a wide range of services, including financial services, telecommunications, and professional services. It allows businesses to benefit from increased market access and national treatment. This means that companies from either country can offer services in the other country without discrimination.

Intellectual Property

The CSFTA provides a comprehensive framework for the protection of intellectual property rights. This includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. By protecting intellectual property rights, the FTA creates a conducive environment for innovation and promotes the growth of businesses in both countries.

Cooperation in Other Fields

The CSFTA also encourages cooperation in other fields, such as education, science, and technology. The agreement promotes exchange programs between universities and research institutions, and encourages collaboration in various areas of science and technology.


The China-Singapore Free Trade Agreement is a comprehensive partnership that promotes trade and investment between the two countries. By reducing or eliminating tariffs, providing a transparent framework for investment, and encouraging cooperation in other fields, the FTA creates a conducive environment for businesses to tap into new markets and expand their operations. The CSFTA is a testament to the strong bilateral ties between China and Singapore and has benefited both economies in numerous ways.