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Learning Agreement Inglese

Learning Agreement Inglese: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

If you are planning on studying abroad in an English-speaking country, chances are you will need to sign a Learning Agreement Inglese (English Learning Agreement). This document outlines the courses you plan to take while studying abroad and is an important part of the international academic exchange process.

Here`s what you need to know about this document:

What is a Learning Agreement Inglese?

A Learning Agreement Inglese is a contractual agreement between the student and their home university and the host university regarding the courses the student will be taking while studying abroad. It outlines the specific courses, the number of credits the student will receive for each course, and the requirements needed to complete the courses.

Why is it important?

The Learning Agreement Inglese is an essential document for ensuring that the student will receive credit for the courses they complete while studying abroad. It also helps to ensure that the courses taken are appropriate and will meet the requirements for the student`s degree program back home.

Furthermore, signing a Learning Agreement Inglese is necessary for both the home and host universities to comply with the requirements set forth by the Erasmus+ program, which is the European Union`s program for education, training, youth, and sport.

How to fill out a Learning Agreement Inglese

Filling out a Learning Agreement Inglese can be a daunting task for first-time study abroad students. However, the process is relatively straightforward and can be broken down into a few basic steps.

Step 1: Research – The student should research the courses available at the host university and find courses that will meet the requirements for their degree program back home.

Step 2: Selection – Once the student has identified the courses they want to take, they should select them and ensure they have the correct course codes, course titles, and credit amounts.

Step 3: Approval – The student should then obtain approval from both their home university and the host university for the courses they have selected.

Step 4: Complete the form – The student should complete the Learning Agreement Inglese form with all the necessary information, including their personal details, the course details, and the requirements needed to complete the courses.

Step 5: Sign and submit – The student should sign the completed form and submit it to their home university and host university for final approval.

In conclusion, a Learning Agreement Inglese is a vital document for students planning to study abroad in English-speaking countries. It ensures that the courses taken will meet the requirements for their degree program, and credits earned will be recognized by their home university. By following the steps outlined above, students can ensure that they complete the Learning Agreement Inglese accurately and confidently.