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Subject Verb Agreement Rules for Grade 5

Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental rule of grammar that every grade 5 student must learn. It refers to the correct pairing of a verb with its subject in a sentence. When the subject and the verb do not agree in number, it can lead to confusion and misunderstandings. Here are some subject-verb agreement rules that will help grade 5 students nail this essential aspect of grammar.

1. Singular Subjects:

When the subject is singular, the verb should also be singular. Singular subjects include one person, one thing, or one animal. For example:

– The cat is sleeping on the couch.

– The boy jumps over the fence.

– My teacher teaches English.

2. Plural Subjects:

When the subject is plural, the verb should also be plural. Plural subjects include more than one person, thing, or animal. For example:

– The cats are sleeping on the couch.

– The boys jump over the fence.

– My teachers teach English.

3. Singular and Plural Subjects:

When the subject is a combination of singular and plural, the verb should agree with the subject closest to the verb. For example:

– The teacher and the students are going on a field trip.

– The students and the teacher is going on a field trip.

4. Collective Nouns:

When using collective nouns such as family, team, class, or group, you should treat them as a singular subject. However, if you are referring to the individuals in the group, use a plural verb. For example:

– My family is going on vacation.

– The team is practicing for the big game.

– The group of students is excited to learn.

– The team members are practicing their skills.

5. Indefinite Pronouns:

Indefinite pronouns such as everyone, somebody, anyone, nobody, and someone are always singular. For example:

– Everyone is excited for the summer break.

– Somebody left their backpack in the classroom.

6. Special Cases:

Certain words can be singular or plural, depending on their usage in a sentence. For example:

– The news is good. (singular)

– The news are interesting. (plural)

– The data supports our hypothesis. (plural)

– This data is reliable. (singular)

In conclusion, grade 5 students must master subject-verb agreement to become effective communicators in written and spoken language. It`s essential to understand the subject`s number and the verb`s number and ensure they match for clear communication. Regular practice and review of the rules mentioned above are key to mastering subject-verb agreement.